For the past few decades, as well as leading the team at Dr Patrick Meaney & Associates dental office in Moss Vale, Patrick has had a role for the
Australian Dental Association in education and media.
As a Clinical Media Advisor, he’s been the lead presenter on an audio series The Dental Files since 2008. The Dental Files is available to all of Australia’s dentists, some 10,000 of them, and Patrick amongst others on the team interviews the world’s leading dentists on a podcast for ADA members.
This week, Patrick hosted a webinar for dentists across Australia about item numbers.
Patrick sits on the Federal ADA’s Schedule and Third Party Committee. This is the group that publishes the Schedule, the source dentists use to identify and categorise dental procedures and treatments. You’ve probably seen the 3-digit item numbers on estimates and invoices, along with descriptions of treatment. The Schedule is rejigged to reflect changes in technology and dental procedures every few years. We’re now up to the 13
th Edition.
Young dentists, or dentists involved in learning new procedures often call on the committee to answer questions about the Schedule. So, every now and again they have a webinar a bit like the television show Q&A, where anyone and dentists can ask questions and have them answered by experts.
Patrick hosted the webinar from a purpose-built studio in Chatswood. More than 400 dentists viewed the webinar.
He was joined by the Committee Chairman David Curnow in Melbourne and two colleagues Martin Webb from Brisbane and Amit Gurbuxani from Western Australia.
“It’s good fun to do something a little bit different from my day-to-day job and I really enjoy it,” said Patrick. “It’s good to know we’re helping dentists do their jobs better as well.”
And don’t worry everyone! Dr Patrick Meaney isn’t giving up his day job as one of Moss Vale’s sought-after dentists. If you are looking for a dentist in Moss Vale, look no further than the team at Dr Patrick Meaney and Associates.
Contact our friendly receptionist to book your dental appointment.
ABN: 40 525 320 779