Meet the Moss Vale Dental Team – Renee Law

We want all our patients to feel comfortable and welcomed when they visit and we thought it was high time we introduced you to our valued team.

Meet Renee Law. 

What is your role at the office? What will we find you doing at the office? 

Day to day running of the practice, keeping everyone happy, pretty much the problem solver and keeping our patients happy.

How long have you been in the dental industry? 

24 years.

How/why did you start working in the industry? 

There was an advertisement in the paper and whilst I really didn’t know what I wanted to do after completing my HSC. My Dad said I should apply for the position, I said, “That would be a disgusting job!” but applied for it anyway. I was obviously successful and got the job, and how wrong was I? 24 years later and mostly I love my job! 

What is your favourite part of your job?

We have the nicest patients in the world and I also like seeing the progress from before and after and seeing the confidence that they have once treatment is completed. 

Do you have a special piece of equipment/ tool/ new toy that you use at work that you would like to tell us about? 

I’d say our 3D radiograph machine: it takes amazing views for our patients and really helps in diagnosis.

What is your secret superpower?

I can lodge two x BAS’s on time each quarter for my husband! BUT it’s mostly getting our two beautiful girls to school on time, me to work and running a ship-shape household.

What do you get up to when you’re not at work? 

Wrangling two gorgeous girls and busy husband. Sweating it out at the shed in Bowral with a super personal trainer. Hanging in front of my laptop oh and lots of washing and folding.

What’s your best tip on keeping a healthy mouth?

Drink lots of water and brush twice daily and floss.


57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:30

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