Dental Care

oral health

Can poor oral health make you sick?

Cavities and toothaches have been the most common problems that we used to associate with poor oral hygiene. This can also lead to a much more significant health issue. Learn more about the possible health risks if you don’t start taking good care of your oral health. Why is it possible? Here’s what the expert

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Boy with mouthguard

Custom Made Mouth-Guards Vs Generic Mouth-Guards

So, you’ve registered for your winter contact sports, paid your fees for insurance and you have a uniform organised. But do you have your Mouth Insurance? A well-made mouthguard that fits properly is a must for any contact sport! It’s like insurance for your teeth!    Before you decide, here are some questions to ask: 

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dental care

COVID Dental Care in NSW

The Southern Highlands seems to have escaped the worst of COVID-19. However, we understand there is still a lot of concern surrounding COVID dental care in NSW. You may have wondered about dental health and the virus so here are a few observations we have gleaned recently. How COVID-19 has impacted your dental health According

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we are open

We are still here!

I’ve had a few enquiries from patients in recent days, asking if we are open: the good news is, we are. However, there are some limitations on what we can do for you. Until Gladys releases the Wingecarribee from the current restricted conditions we are all enjoying (!), we have temporarily suspended some preventative services.

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Performance accreditation

​​Moss Vale Dental Maintains Practice Accreditation

It’s that time of year again when Dr Patrick Meaney and Associates are very pleased to announce we’ve been formally awarded full Private Dental Practice Accreditation under the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) and have fulfilled the requirements as a QIP Accredited Practice. What is Quality Innovation Performance accreditation?  Accreditation is an

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Dental Erosion

Here’s a tip we do NOT want you to follow: Start the day with a glass of lemon juice! Even better, put the juice into some warm water. You might be surprised how many people do this and I can’t argue fresh vitamin C isn’t good for you. BUT it’s absolutely terrible for your teeth!

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Good News On Outbreak

Friday 17th July update from the local Division of General Practice, thanks to Dr Vince Roche. The South West Sydney Public Health Unit has stated that there is no need and no clinical benefit in COVID testing this group if they have been to a “soft spot” (i.e. somewhere where we know a COVID positive

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57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:30

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