ADA Convention in Bathurst

Patrick attended the ADA NSW convention at Bathurst recently. The convention, run every two years, attracted dentists from all over the state.

Apart from the lectures, there was the interesting views from the hotel, built right on Conrod Straight at Mount Panorama.
Patrick also recorded some interviews for the federal ADA’s Dental Files series. This audio program goes out to all the dentists in Australia every three months and helps everyone in the profession keep up to date. He was interested to hear Professor Chris Peck, the Dean of the Sydney university Faculty of Dentistry speak about diagnosis and management of facial pain. Endodontist Geoff Young was also informative and, Patrick reports, should be a good interviewee with tips on how to do better root canal treatment.

He also interviewed Professor Bill Scarfe from Kentucky about 3D x-ray diagnosis, a favourite topic for Patrick, too. Bill is an ex-pat, made good in the US, and as Patrick says, ‘one helluva nice guy’. Bill talked about the value of cone-beam imaging (we have the same units in our practice as Professor Scarfe) in getting better answers to the question, “What’s going on in my mouth?”patrick-meaney-ada_nsw_vicepresident_2016


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