The NSW ADA decided to dispense with tradition and go for a Sydney ‘state’ convention this time around. The convention is normally held at a regional centre (Wollongong, Armidale, Tamworth, the national capital etc) but they must have run out (of towns).

The Dental Files Team (me and Michael Vandiver) got some terrific interviews; the highlights were:

  • THE USA’s Dr John Sorensen. John is excited about ‘full-contour’ zirconia crowns, currently exhibiting 100% (!) success rates for posterior crowns. He thinks the Lava Plus new particle size makes all the difference.
  • Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: Dr Peter Cistulli & Dr Neil Peppitt. Neil spoke to me about all the different types of splints and devices/appliances available for treating sleep apnoea.
  • Stem Cells:  Building a new tooth: do we have the technology?: Prof Mark Bartold. Mark is the editor of the Australian Dental Journal and knows a bunch of stuff about sheep and surgery. Oh, and about building a new tooth in a lab.
  • Benchmark Your Practice: Dr Brad Wright. I managed to catch Brad (hi Brad!) in between a trip to Tuscany and Texas. Or was that Toongabbie and um, Toowoomba? At any rate, Brad covered off on making it though the late-breaking GFC intact.
  • Mr Paul Clitheroe AM. Paul and I discussed growing old and trying to make sure you have enough money to leave your children, but making sure they can’t get it too early. Certainly not before you’re dead.
  • Management of the common  congenitally missing teeth: Dr Stephen Duncan. Steve is a local (Bowral) ortho; this was an in-depth presentation on what to do when you choose your grandparents badly.

I also saw some other lectures:

Explaining Professional Mystiques – is it necessary to write
a novel?
Special Guest Speaker
Stuart Littlemore QC

Reminiscences’ of an “Incident” First Responder: Dr Chris Griffiths

Pain Management: Professor  Chris Peck


Convention Opening Presentation Special Guest Speaker: Air Chief Marshall Angus HoustonAngus Houston

Two of my staff, Renee and Olivia attended and by all accounts learned a bit and had a great time. Bit disappointing to find not all that many other dental assistants there, and for something supposed to be a co-production between the DAA and the ADA, a bit light on for DA-specific content. But you live and learn I guess.


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